Tuesday, June 11, 2019

World Sailing to grow the sport with International Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Impairments (INAS)

To all: Council, Member National Authorities and Class Associations,

World Sailing to grow the sport with International Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Impairments (INAS)

World Sailing has partnered with the International Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Impairments (INAS) to jointly promote and grow sailing for people with intellectual impairments globally.

World Sailing and INAS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see both organisations work together towards the development and implementation of strategies and sailing programmes for people with intellectual impairments. Furthermore, World Sailing and INAS will work to promote awareness and integration within their member organisations.

World Sailing will implement a new intellectual impairment discipline into its future Championships at a World, Regional and National level and as a result, INAS agrees to automatically sanction World Sailing-approved events.

INAS and World Sailing will also work together to deliver clinics and seminars for both coaches and officials each year.

As part of the agreement, World Sailing becomes a member of INAS and will hold a seat on the INAS Sport Council.

Please find a press release attached for your information and if you have any further questions, please direct them to Para World Sailing Manager, Massimo Dighe, in copy.

I look forward to seeing many of you in London in the coming days. Safe travels.


Daniel Smith
Director of Communications and Digital

T : +44 (0)2039 404 888
M: +44 (0)7771 542 131

20 Eastbourne Terrace
London, UK, W2 6LG

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1 comment:

  1. Well, this got me thinking what other workouts are good for those of us who find ourselves on the road or have limited equipment options. 먹튀폴리스
